Common Sense ... the story of my "theory"

Think back to your last biology class. Do you remember the human chromosomes? There are twenty-three pairs, with the 23rd being the X and Y sex chromosomes.

With absolutely zero scientific evidence, I firmly believe that somewhere within those twenty-three, there is a common sense gene. We all have one. It's just that for some people, like a stunted flower, that gene never fully blossomed.

You know what I'm talking about - you've seen them. Those people that you just look at, shake your head and think, "What is going through their mind right now?" Don't blame them. It's not their fault. It's just that their common sense gene never blossomed.

a close up of a single strande of dnan
a close up of a single strande of dnan

For the protection of everyone, you are required to use COMMON SENSE If you have none, please leave

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Here at The Physics of Common Sense, we believe that learning should be fun and accessible to all. Join us on a journey to understand the common sense physics of everyday phenomena.

brown concrete building under starry night
brown concrete building under starry night